Unlock the power of web development with our “Master HTML in 15 Days” bootcamp. Designed for beginners and aspiring developers, this course takes you from the fundamentals to advanced HTML concepts, ensuring you build a solid foundation in web design and development. Over 15 immersive sessions, you’ll explore the essential building blocks of HTML, including elements, attributes, forms, tables, multimedia, and responsive design.

Each session is carefully crafted with hands-on exercises, practical projects, and real-world examples to reinforce your learning. You’ll also gain valuable skills in version control with Git, understand the importance of semantic HTML for accessibility and SEO, and get introduced to HTML5’s cutting-edge features.

By the end of the course, you’ll have developed a portfolio of projects, including a personal portfolio website, a business landing page, and a final comprehensive project. Whether you’re preparing for a web development career or enhancing your current skills, this bootcamp provides the tools and knowledge to succeed.

Introduction: Why Learn HTML?

  • History of HTML:
    • Origins: HTML (HyperText Markup Language) was created by Tim Berners-Lee in 1991 as the foundational language for the web. It started with basic elements to format documents and create links between them.
    • Evolution: Over the years, HTML has evolved through several versions, from HTML 2.0 in 1995 to HTML5, which was finalized in 2014 and continues to be updated. HTML5 introduced new elements, attributes, and behaviors, allowing for more complex and dynamic web pages.
  • Why Learn HTML?:
    • Foundation of Web Development: HTML is the backbone of all websites. Whether you are creating a simple static page or a complex web application, HTML is the first step.
    • Universal Skill: HTML knowledge is crucial for anyone interested in web design, development, digital marketing, content creation, and even tech-related jobs.
    • Accessibility: Learning HTML is easy to start with and requires no advanced programming knowledge. It’s an excellent entry point for beginners.
    • Career Opportunities: Proficiency in HTML opens doors to careers like front-end development, web design, UX/UI design, and content management.
  • Job Market:
    • Demand for HTML: HTML is a core skill required in nearly all web development roles. According to job market analysis, HTML is listed in a vast majority of job postings for roles such as web developers, front-end developers, and full-stack developers.
    • Salary Expectations: Entry-level positions requiring HTML, such as junior web developer roles, can start with an average salary of $50,000 – $70,000 annually, with significant growth potential as you gain experience and learn related technologies.
    • Industry Relevance: HTML skills are in demand across industries, including tech, media, education, finance, and e-commerce.
  • What Else Can You Learn with HTML?:
    • CSS: Cascading Style Sheets for styling and layout.
    • JavaScript: Programming language for interactivity and dynamic content.
    • Responsive Design: Techniques to make websites adaptable to various screen sizes.
    • Web Accessibility: Making websites usable for people with disabilities.
    • Version Control (Git): Managing and tracking changes in your code.
    • Web Development Frameworks: Learning HTML is the first step to understanding frameworks like Bootstrap, React, and Angular.

Development Environment Setup

  • Required Software:
    • Text Editors:
      • Visual Studio Code (VS Code): A free, powerful, and widely-used code editor with extensions for HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
      • Sublime Text: A lightweight, fast, and customizable text editor.
      • Atom: An open-source text editor that is highly customizable.
    • Web Browsers:
      • Google Chrome: Popular for its developer tools.
      • Mozilla Firefox: Known for its extensive developer tools.
      • Microsoft Edge: Another Chromium-based browser with built-in developer tools.
  • Browser Developer Tools:
    • Inspecting Elements: Allows you to view and edit HTML and CSS in real-time.
    • Console: Used for debugging JavaScript.
    • Network Tab: To monitor network requests and responses.
  • Version Control:
    • Git: Install Git for version control to track changes in your HTML projects.
    • GitHub: Create a GitHub account to host your projects and collaborate with others.
  • Local Web Server (Optional):
    • XAMPP: For running a local server environment (useful if you’re integrating HTML with PHP or databases).

Live Server Extension: In VS Code, this allows you to see live updates in the browser as you edit your code.

Table of Contents

  1. Day 1: Introduction to HTML and Basic Structure
  2. Day 2: Understanding Links, Lists, and Navigation
  3. Day 3: Working with Images and Media
  4. Day 4: Creating and Styling Tables
  5. Day 5: Introduction to Forms and User Input
  6. Day 6: Advanced Form Handling and Validation
  7. Day 7: Exploring Semantic HTML
  8. Day 8: HTML5 New Elements and Attributes
  9. Day 9: Enhancing Forms with HTML5 Features
  10. Day 10: Integrating Multimedia and Embedded Content
  11. Day 11: Building Responsive Web Pages
  12. Day 12: HTML Best Practices and Accessibility
  13. Day 13: Project 1 – Building a Personal Portfolio Website
  14. Day 14: Project 2 – Developing a Business Landing Page
  15. Day 15: Final Review, Practice, and Comprehensive Project

Detailed Sessions

Day 1: Introduction to HTML and Basic Structure

Session Preview: This session introduces you to the foundational concepts of HTML, the language that powers the web. You’ll learn the basic structure of an HTML document, including elements, tags, and attributes, which are crucial for building web pages.

Session Details:

  • What is HTML?: Learn about the history and evolution of HTML, its importance in web development, and its role in creating the structure of a webpage.
  • Basic Document Structure: Understand the basic anatomy of an HTML document, including <!DOCTYPE>, <html>, <head>, and <body> tags.
  • Essential Tags and Attributes: Explore the most commonly used tags like <p>, <h1> to <h6>, <a>, <div>, and how to apply attributes like class and id.


  • Create a simple HTML page with a title, headings, paragraphs, and links.

Git Commit Process:

git add .
git commit -m "Added basic HTML structure with headings and paragraphs"

Interview Questions:

  • What is the purpose of the <!DOCTYPE> declaration in an HTML document?
  • Explain the difference between block-level and inline elements.

Day 2: Understanding Links, Lists, and Navigation

Session Preview: Day 2 covers the essentials of creating navigation menus and lists in HTML. You’ll learn how to link different web pages and create organized lists, which are integral to building navigable websites.

Session Details:

  • Hyperlinks and Navigation: Discover how to create hyperlinks using the <a> tag, understand absolute vs. relative URLs, and the importance of linking.
  • Ordered and Unordered Lists: Learn to structure content using ordered (<ol>) and unordered (<ul>) lists, and how to nest lists for complex menus.
  • Navigation Menus: Combine links and lists to create a simple navigation bar that can be used across web pages.


  • Create a basic navigation menu with links to different sections of a webpage or other web pages.

Git Commit Process:

git add .
git commit -m "Created navigation menu and linked pages"

Interview Questions:

  • How do you create a hyperlink that opens in a new tab?
  • Explain the difference between ordered and unordered lists.

Day 3: Working with Images and Media

Session Preview: On Day 3, you’ll learn how to embed images and media content into your HTML pages. This session will teach you how to handle different file types and enhance your web pages with visual content.

Session Details:

  • Embedding Images: Use the <img> tag to add images, understand attributes like src, alt, width, and height, and explore best practices for optimizing images.
  • Adding Videos and Audio: Learn how to embed video and audio using HTML5’s <video> and <audio> tags, and how to provide controls and fallback content.
  • Responsive Images: Explore techniques for making images responsive using srcset and the <picture> element.


  • Create a webpage that includes an image gallery with responsive images and embedded video content.

Git Commit Process:

git add .
git commit -m "Added image gallery and embedded video content"

Interview Questions:

  • What is the purpose of the alt attribute in the <img> tag?
  • How can you make an image responsive in HTML?

Day 4: Creating and Styling Tables

Session Preview: Tables are essential for displaying data in a structured format. On Day 4, you will learn how to create and style tables in HTML, including advanced features like merging cells and adding captions.

Session Details:

  • Building Tables: Understand the structure of an HTML table using <table>, <tr>, <th>, and <td> tags.
  • Cell Merging: Learn to merge cells using colspan and rowspan attributes for complex table layouts.
  • Adding Captions and Summaries: Enhance table accessibility by including <caption> and summary attributes.


  • Create a table that displays a schedule or a data sheet, incorporating merged cells and a caption.

Git Commit Process:

git add .
git commit -m "Created and styled a table with merged cells and caption"

Interview Questions:

  • What are colspan and rowspan, and how are they used in tables?
  • How can you make tables more accessible?

Day 5: Introduction to Forms and User Input

Session Preview: Forms are the primary method for collecting user input on the web. This session will introduce you to HTML forms, input types, and how to structure a basic form.

Session Details:

  • Form Basics: Learn the basics of form creation using the <form>, <input>, and <label> tags, and how to group inputs with <fieldset> and <legend>.
  • Common Input Types: Explore various input types like text, password, email, and submit buttons, understanding their specific attributes and uses.
  • Form Action and Method: Understand how forms interact with the server using the action and method attributes.


  • Build a simple contact form with different input fields, including name, email, and message, and a submit button.

Git Commit Process:

git add .
git commit -m "Created a basic contact form with various input types"

Interview Questions:

  • What is the purpose of the action attribute in a form?
  • How do you associate a <label> with an <input> in HTML?

Day 6: Advanced Form Handling and Validation

Session Preview: Day 6 dives into advanced form elements and techniques for validating user input. You’ll learn how to enhance forms with additional input types and client-side validation.

Session Details:

  • Advanced Input Types: Explore advanced form elements like <select>, <textarea>, <datalist>, and <input type="file"> for file uploads.
  • Form Validation: Implement client-side validation using HTML5 attributes like required, pattern, and maxlength, and provide meaningful error messages.
  • Using Placeholders and Default Values: Learn to guide users with placeholders and set default input values for better form usability.


  • Create a registration form with advanced input types, including dropdowns, file uploads, and validation rules.

Git Commit Process:

git add .
git commit -m "Implemented advanced form handling and validation"

Interview Questions:

  • How can you validate email addresses in HTML forms?
  • What are the benefits of using HTML5 form validation?

Day 7: Exploring Semantic HTML

Session Preview: Semantic HTML enhances the accessibility and SEO of your web pages. In this session, you’ll learn how to use semantic tags to create meaningful, well-structured content.

Session Details:

  • Introduction to Semantic HTML: Understand the concept of semantic HTML and why it’s important for accessibility and SEO.
  • Key Semantic Tags: Explore tags like <header>, <footer>, <section>, <article>, and <aside>, and learn how they define the structure of a webpage.
  • ARIA Roles: Briefly touch on using ARIA roles to improve accessibility, particularly for assistive technologies.


  • Redesign an existing HTML page using semantic tags to improve its structure and accessibility.

Git Commit Process:

git add .
git commit -m "Refactored HTML structure using semantic tags"

Interview Questions:

  • What is the difference between a <div> and a <section> tag?
  • How does semantic HTML benefit SEO?

Day 8: HTML5 New Elements and Attributes

Session Preview: HTML5 introduced several new elements and attributes to enhance the language’s capabilities. This session covers these additions, which enable richer and more interactive web pages.

Session Details:

  • New Structural Elements: Learn about new structural elements like <main>, <figure>, and <figcaption> that improve document structure.
  • Interactive Elements: Explore interactive elements such as <details>, <summary>, and <dialog>, which add new ways to present content.
  • Enhanced Media Elements: Discover new attributes and methods for <video> and <audio> tags, including custom controls and JavaScript API integration.


  • Update a webpage to incorporate new HTML5 elements and attributes for improved interactivity and structure.

Git Commit Process:

git add .
git commit -m "Enhanced webpage with new HTML5 elements and attributes"

Interview Questions:

  • What are some of the new elements introduced in HTML5?
  • How can you create a collapsible content section using HTML5?

Day 9: Enhancing Forms with HTML5 Features

Session Preview: Building on previous sessions, Day 9 focuses on enhancing forms with HTML5 features. You’ll learn to implement new input types and attributes that improve the user experience and data collection.

Session Details:

  • HTML5 Input Types: Dive deeper into new input types such as date, range, color, email, and number, understanding their use cases.
  • Form Attributes: Explore new attributes like autofocus, autocomplete, novalidate, and pattern, which provide better control over form behavior.
  • Enhanced Validation: Learn how to leverage HTML5’s built-in validation features to reduce reliance on JavaScript for basic form validation.


  • Create a complex form that uses a variety of HTML5 input types and attributes for enhanced functionality and validation.

Git Commit Process:

git add .
git commit -m "Enhanced form with HTML5 input types and validation"

Interview Questions:

  • What are the benefits of using the required attribute in HTML5 forms?
  • How can you customize form validation error messages in HTML5?

Day 10: Integrating Multimedia and Embedded Content

Session Preview: Multimedia content is a key component of modern websites. In this session, you’ll learn how to integrate various types of media, including videos, audio, and embedded content, into your HTML pages.

Session Details:

  • Embedding Video and Audio: Master the <video> and <audio> tags, understanding how to embed media with custom controls, captions, and fallback content.
  • Using the <iframe> Tag: Learn how to embed content from other sources, such as maps or videos, using the <iframe> tag.
  • Optimizing Multimedia: Explore best practices for optimizing multimedia content for performance, including file formats, compression, and lazy loading.


  • Create a multimedia-rich webpage that includes embedded videos, audio files, and iframes.

Git Commit Process:

git add .
git commit -m "Integrated multimedia content using HTML5"

Interview Questions:

  • What is the purpose of the controls attribute in the <video> tag?
  • How can you make an embedded video responsive?

Day 11: Building Responsive Web Pages

Session Preview: Responsive design ensures your website looks great on any device. Day 11 introduces the concepts and techniques for building responsive web pages using HTML and CSS.

Session Details:

  • Responsive Design Basics: Learn the principles of responsive web design, including fluid grids, flexible images, and media queries.
  • Viewport Meta Tag: Understand the importance of the viewport meta tag and how it controls layout on mobile devices.
  • Creating a Responsive Layout: Explore techniques for creating responsive layouts using HTML and CSS, focusing on media queries and flexbox/grid.


  • Convert an existing webpage into a responsive layout that adapts to different screen sizes.

Git Commit Process:

git add .
git commit -m "Built responsive layout using media queries"

Interview Questions:

  • What is the purpose of the viewport meta tag in responsive design?
  • How do media queries work in CSS?

Day 12: HTML Best Practices and Accessibility

Session Preview: Creating accessible and maintainable HTML is crucial for reaching a wider audience and ensuring long-term code quality. This session covers best practices for HTML development and accessibility standards.

Session Details:

  • HTML Best Practices: Learn best practices for writing clean, maintainable, and semantic HTML, including code organization, comments, and readability.
  • Web Accessibility Guidelines: Understand the importance of web accessibility, WCAG standards, and how to create accessible web pages using ARIA attributes and semantic HTML.
  • Testing for Accessibility: Explore tools and techniques for testing your web pages for accessibility, ensuring they meet legal and ethical standards.


  • Refactor an existing webpage to improve its accessibility and code quality based on best practices.

Git Commit Process:

git add .
git commit -m "Refactored HTML for better accessibility and code quality"

Interview Questions:

  • What are ARIA roles, and how do they improve web accessibility?
  • How can you ensure that your HTML code is maintainable?

Day 13: Project 1 – Building a Personal Portfolio Website

Session Preview: Apply everything you’ve learned so far by building a personal portfolio website. This project will showcase your skills and serve as a professional online presence.

Project Details:

  • Project Planning: Outline the structure and content of your portfolio, including sections like About Me, Projects, and Contact.
  • Design and Layout: Create a responsive layout using semantic HTML, including a navigation menu, hero section, and project showcase.
  • Form Integration: Implement a contact form with validation and submit functionality.


  • Build and deploy your personal portfolio website, ensuring it is responsive, accessible, and well-organized.

Git Commit Process:

git add .
git commit -m "Built personal portfolio website with responsive design"

Interview Questions:

  • What are the key components of a good portfolio website?
  • How can you optimize a portfolio website for performance?

Day 14: Project 2 – Developing a Business Landing Page

Session Preview: In this session, you’ll develop a landing page for a business, focusing on conversion-driven design and effective content layout.

Project Details:

  • Landing Page Essentials: Learn about the key elements of a successful landing page, including call-to-action buttons, testimonials, and feature highlights.
  • Responsive Design: Ensure the landing page is fully responsive and provides a seamless experience across devices.
  • Optimization Techniques: Optimize the landing page for fast loading times and search engine visibility.


  • Develop and deploy a business landing page that effectively communicates value propositions and drives conversions.

Git Commit Process:

git add .
git commit -m "Developed business landing page with responsive design"

Interview Questions:

  • What are the key elements of an effective landing page?
  • How can you improve the performance of a landing page?

Day 15: Final Review, Practice, and Comprehensive Project

Session Preview: The final session is dedicated to reviewing everything you’ve learned, practicing with additional exercises, and completing a comprehensive project that incorporates all aspects of HTML development.

Session Details:

  • Review Key Concepts: Revisit important concepts covered throughout the course, with a focus on areas that require further understanding.
  • Practice Exercises: Complete additional exercises to reinforce your skills, focusing on areas like form validation, responsive design, and multimedia integration.
  • Comprehensive Project: Start or finalize a comprehensive project that showcases your HTML knowledge, such as a multi-page website with a blog, portfolio, and contact form.


  • Complete the comprehensive project, ensuring it meets all best practices and accessibility standards.

Git Commit Process:

git add .
git commit -m "Finalized comprehensive project with complete HTML features"

Interview Questions:

  • How would you approach building a multi-page website from scratch?
  • What steps would you take to ensure a website is accessible and SEO-friendly?

Ultimate HTML Cheatsheet: Essential Elements and Their Uses

HTML ElementDescriptionUsage
<!DOCTYPE>Defines the document typeSpecifies the HTML version used, ensuring proper rendering by the browser.
<html>Root element of an HTML documentEncloses all HTML content and attributes specifying the document’s language (lang="en").
<head>Contains meta-information about the documentIncludes metadata, links to stylesheets, scripts, and the document’s title.
<title>Sets the title of the documentDisplayed in the browser’s title bar or tab.
<meta>Provides metadataUsed for character encoding, viewport settings, SEO, and more (<meta charset="UTF-8">).
<link>Links external resourcesCommonly used to link CSS files (<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css">).
<style>Embeds internal CSSDefines styles directly within the HTML document.
<script>Embeds or links to JavaScriptAdds interactivity to the page, either inline or via an external file (<script src="script.js"></script>).
<body>Contains the content of the HTML documentAll visible content (text, images, links, etc.) is placed inside this element.
<header>Defines a header sectionTypically contains introductory content or navigational links.
<nav>Defines a navigation sectionUsed for menus, links, or any navigational elements.
<main>Specifies the main content of the documentRepresents the dominant content of the document, excluding sidebars, footers, and headers.
<section>Groups related contentOrganizes content into sections, often with a thematic grouping.
<article>Defines an independent, self-contained content unitUsed for blog posts, news articles, or other standalone content.
<aside>Represents secondary contentOften used for sidebars or pull quotes, which are related to the main content but not essential.
<footer>Defines a footer sectionContains information like authorship, copyright, or links related to the document.
<h1><h6>Defines HTML headings<h1> is the highest level heading, and <h6> is the lowest, used for structuring content hierarchically.
<p>Defines a paragraphContains blocks of text, automatically adds space before and after the element.
<br>Inserts a line breakCreates a new line within text, without starting a new paragraph.
<hr>Creates a thematic breakRepresents a shift or division in the content, usually rendered as a horizontal line.
<a>Creates a hyperlinkLinks to another page, section, or resource (<a href="https://example.com">Visit Example</a>).
<img>Embeds an imageDisplays an image, requiring src (source) and alt (alternative text) attributes (<img src="image.jpg" alt="Description">).
<ul>Creates an unordered listGroups list items with bullet points (<ul><li>Item 1</li><li>Item 2</li></ul>).
<ol>Creates an ordered listGroups list items with numbers or letters (<ol><li>First item</li><li>Second item</li></ol>).
<li>Defines a list itemUsed within <ul>, <ol>, or <menu> to represent individual items.
<dl>Creates a definition listGroups terms and descriptions (<dl><dt>Term</dt><dd>Description</dd></dl>).
<dt>Represents a term in a definition listUsed within a <dl> to define a term.
<dd>Describes a term in a definition listProvides a description for a term defined by <dt>.
<table>Creates a tableOrganizes data into rows and columns.
<tr>Defines a table rowUsed within a <table> to group cells horizontally.
<th>Defines a table header cellRepresents a header cell in a table, usually displayed in bold.
<td>Defines a table cellRepresents a data cell in a table, used within <tr>.
<caption>Provides a caption for a tableDescribes the contents of a table, placed above or below the table.
<form>Creates a form for user inputEncloses input elements like text fields, checkboxes, and submit buttons.
<input>Defines an input fieldAccepts user data, with various types like text, email, password, checkbox, radio, etc. (<input type="text">).
<textarea>Defines a multi-line text input fieldAllows users to enter multiple lines of text (<textarea rows="4" cols="50">Text here...</textarea>).
<button>Creates a clickable buttonUsed to submit forms or trigger JavaScript functions (<button type="submit">Submit</button>).
<select>Creates a drop-down listAllows users to select from a list of options (<select><option>Option 1</option><option>Option 2</option></select>).
<option>Defines an option in a drop-down listUsed within <select> to specify individual options.
<label>Associates a label with a form elementImproves form accessibility by linking labels to input fields (<label for="name">Name:</label><input id="name" type="text">).
<fieldset>Groups related form elementsOrganizes form controls into sections (<fieldset><legend>Group</legend><input type="text"></fieldset>).
<legend>Provides a caption for a <fieldset>Describes the content of a <fieldset>.
<iframe>Embeds another HTML page within the current pageDisplays content from another source, like videos or maps, within an inline frame (<iframe src="https://example.com"></iframe>).
<div>Defines a division or sectionA block-level element used to group content, often styled with CSS.
<span>Defines a section within a block of textAn inline element used to group content for styling or scripting purposes.
<em>Emphasizes textRenders text in italics, used for semantic emphasis.
<strong>Indicates strong importanceRenders text in bold, used for semantic importance.
<b>Makes text boldRenders text in bold, purely for presentation.
<i>Makes text italicRenders text in italics, purely for presentation.
<u>Underlines textRenders text with an underline, purely for presentation.
<small>Decreases font sizeDisplays text in a smaller font.
<mark>Highlights textDisplays text with a yellow background, indicating it as highlighted.
<sub>Creates subscript textRenders text as subscript (lowered text), often used for scientific formulas.
<sup>Creates superscript textRenders text as superscript (raised text), often used for footnotes or exponents.
<blockquote>Defines a block quotationIndicates a lengthy quote from another source, usually indented.
<q>Defines an inline quotationIndicates a short quote, displayed inline with the surrounding text.
<code>Represents codeDisplays code snippets with a monospace font.
<pre>Preformats textPreserves whitespace and line breaks, often used to display code or structured text (<pre> Code here </pre>).
<cite>Cites a sourceIndicates the title of a creative work, often rendered in italics.
<abbr>Defines an abbreviationProvides an expanded form of an abbreviation on hover (<abbr title="World Health Organization">WHO</abbr>).
<address>Defines contact informationDisplays contact details for an author or owner of a document.
<time>Represents a specific time or dateEncodes dates and times in a machine-readable format (<time datetime="2024-09-09">September 9, 2024</time>).
<audio>Embeds audio contentEmbeds sound files in the document (<audio controls><source src="sound.mp3" type="audio/mpeg"></audio>).
<video>Embeds video contentEmbeds video files in the document (<video controls><source src="video.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>).
<source>Defines media sourcesSpecifies multiple media resources for <audio> and <video> elements.
<track>Provides text tracks for media elementsUsed to add subtitles or captions to <video> and <audio> elements.
<canvas>Provides a drawable areaA container for graphics that are rendered with JavaScript, often used for games or data visualization.
<svg>Defines Scalable Vector GraphicsUsed to draw vector graphics directly in the document (<svg width="100" height="100"><circle cx="50" cy="50" r="40" /></svg>).
<noscript>Defines content for browsers without JavaScriptDisplays alternative content for users who have disabled JavaScript in their browsers.
<data>Links content to machine-readable dataAssociates content with machine-readable information (<data value="2024">Year 2024</data>).
<details>Creates an interactive disclosure widgetAllows users to show or hide additional information (<details><summary>More Info</summary><p>Details here</p></details>).
<summary>Defines a summary for the <details> elementRepresents the heading or summary for a <details> element.

This detailed curriculum ensures that each session builds upon the last, providing a solid foundation in HTML while incorporating best practices and real-world applications. Each day is designed to give candidates the knowledge and hands-on experience they need to become proficient in HTML.