[Your Name]

MERN Full Stack Developer | Generative AI Enthusiast | DevOps and Cloud Basics


As a motivated and detail-oriented MERN Full Stack Developer with 6 months of hands-on internship experience, I have developed a strong foundation in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, and various technologies including MongoDB, Next.JS, React.JS, Express, and MySQL. My experience extends to practical knowledge in GitHub, Docker, CI/CD processes, and basic AWS and DevOps practices. I am also passionate about leveraging Generative AI and ChatGPT to create innovative solutions and streamline development workflows.


MERN Full Stack Developer Intern
[Company Name]
[Start Date] – [End Date]

  • Frontend Development: Designed and implemented user interfaces using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, ensuring responsive and visually appealing layouts.
  • React.JS & Next.JS: Developed dynamic web applications and single-page applications (SPAs) using React.JS and Next.JS, enhancing user experience with interactive features.
  • Backend Development: Created and managed RESTful APIs using Express, integrated with MongoDB and MySQL databases to support data storage and retrieval.
  • TypeScript: Utilized TypeScript to improve code quality and maintainability through type safety and better tooling.
  • GitHub: Managed version control with GitHub, including branch management, pull requests, and collaborative coding practices.
  • Generative AI: Implemented ChatGPT for natural language processing tasks and explored Generative AI applications in development.
  • Docker: Containerized applications using Docker, simplifying deployment and scaling processes.
  • CI/CD: Contributed to CI/CD pipelines to automate testing, integration, and deployment processes, enhancing development efficiency.
  • AWS Basics: Gained foundational knowledge of AWS services and cloud infrastructure to support scalable and reliable application deployment.
  • DevOps Basics: Applied DevOps principles to streamline development workflows and improve collaboration between development and operations teams.


E-Commerce Web Application
Technologies: React.JS, Next.JS, Express, MongoDB, MySQL, Docker, AWS
Description: Developed a full-stack e-commerce platform with features like user authentication, product management, and payment integration. Utilized React.JS for the frontend, Express for the backend API, and MongoDB/MySQL for database management. Implemented Docker for containerization and deployed the application on AWS for scalability and reliability.
Achievements: Successfully launched the platform with zero downtime and implemented secure payment processing, resulting in a 20% increase in user engagement.

Real-Time Chat Application
Technologies: React.JS, Node.js, WebSocket, Docker
Description: Created a real-time chat application using React.JS for the frontend and Node.js with WebSocket for real-time messaging. Dockerized the application to streamline development and deployment processes.
Achievements: Achieved seamless real-time communication with an average latency of less than 200ms, and deployed the application with Docker, reducing deployment time by 50%.

Blog Platform with Markdown Support
Technologies: Next.JS, MongoDB, Express, TypeScript, GitHub
Description: Built a blog platform that supports Markdown for writing and formatting blog posts. Leveraged Next.JS for server-side rendering, MongoDB for data storage, and Express for API development. Utilized TypeScript for type safety and GitHub for version control.
Achievements: Implemented a WYSIWYG editor for Markdown, enhancing user experience, and reduced bug reports by 30% through TypeScript’s type safety features.

Portfolio Website
Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, GitHub
Description: Designed and developed a personal portfolio website to showcase projects and skills. Used HTML and CSS for layout and styling, and JavaScript for interactive elements. Managed the project’s version control using GitHub.
Achievements: Improved visibility and outreach with a professional online presence, resulting in a 40% increase in project inquiries.

Learning Management System (LMS)
Technologies: React.JS, Node.js, MongoDB, Express, TypeScript, Docker
Description: Developed a Learning Management System to facilitate online learning and course management. Implemented features such as user registration, course enrollment, progress tracking, and interactive content delivery. Utilized React.JS for the frontend, Node.js and Express for backend services, and MongoDB for database management. Dockerized the application for consistent deployment across environments.
Achievements: Successfully integrated course management features, improved user engagement by 25%, and streamlined administrative tasks through automated progress tracking.


  • Frontend: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React.JS, Next.JS, TypeScript
  • Backend: Express, MongoDB, MySQL
  • DevOps & Cloud: Docker, CI/CD, AWS Basics, DevOps Practices
  • Version Control: GitHub
  • Generative AI: ChatGPT, AI Integration
  • Tools: VS Code, Git, Docker CLI, AWS Management Console


[Your Degree]
[Your University/College]
[Graduation Year]


[Certification Name]Issuing Organization

  • [Certification Name]Issuing Organization


  • English – Fluent
  • [Other Languages] – [Proficiency Level]

Disclaimer: The information presented in this profile is intended to serve as a general guide based on my experience and knowledge. It is not intended to mislead or misrepresent my capabilities. For specific inquiries or detailed discussions about my skills and experiences, please feel free to reach out directly.