This lecture serves as the foundational step into the world of React Native, a powerful framework for building cross-platform mobile applications using JavaScript and React. We’ll begin by introducing what React Native is, exploring its history, purpose, and why it has become a popular choice among developers for mobile app development.

Key Topics Covered:

  1. What is React Native?
    We will discuss the core principles of React Native, its unique ability to bridge JavaScript code with native mobile components, and how it differs from traditional mobile development methods.
  2. React Native Ecosystem Overview:
    Understand the key libraries and tools that enhance React Native’s functionality, including Redux for state management, React Navigation for handling app routing, and Axios for data fetching. We will explore how these tools integrate into the React Native workflow and how they contribute to building robust, scalable applications.
  3. Benefits of Using React Native:
    • Cross-platform development efficiency.
    • Hot Reloading feature for rapid development and iteration.
    • Performance optimizations that bring React Native apps close to native performance.
    • A large, supportive community that contributes to a rich ecosystem of libraries and tools.
  4. Workshop Structure and Goals:
    We’ll outline the structure of this comprehensive workshop series, detailing each session’s focus, from setting up the development environment to advanced topics like performance optimization and real-world application development. The lecture will also highlight the overall goals, ensuring that by the end, participants can confidently build and deploy React Native applications and are well-prepared for technical interviews.
  5. Setup: Installing React Native:
    A step-by-step guide to setting up the development environment using both Expo CLI and React Native CLI, catering to both beginners and those seeking more advanced, customizable setups. We will cover all prerequisites, installation steps, and configuration details necessary to get started.
  6. Creating Your First “Hello World” Application:
    A hands-on exercise to create a simple “Hello World” application using both Expo and React Native CLI. This exercise will reinforce the setup process and familiarize participants with the basic structure and components of a React Native application.
  7. Best Practices for Initial Setup and Code Organization:
    Learn best practices for structuring React Native projects, maintaining code consistency, and using tools like Git for version control. We will also discuss the importance of setting up a well-organized project directory and using configuration files like .editorconfig and .prettierrc for maintaining coding standards.
  8. Practical Exercises and Problem-Solving:
    Engage in beginner-level problems from LeetCode and HackerRank that focus on JavaScript fundamentals relevant to React Native, such as ES6+ syntax and state management using React hooks. These exercises will enhance your problem-solving skills and deepen your understanding of React Native’s core concepts.
  9. UI Rendering and Component-Based Design Principles:
    Delve into the principles of the virtual DOM and component-based architecture, which are central to React Native. Understand how these concepts contribute to efficient UI rendering and modular, reusable component design.
  10. Interview Preparation: Discussing React Native Basics:
    Prepare for common interview questions about React Native, including its advantages, unique features, and how it manages cross-platform development. This section will help you articulate your knowledge effectively during technical interviews.

By the end of this lecture, you will have a comprehensive understanding of React Native’s fundamentals, be equipped to set up a development environment, and create a simple application. This will lay the groundwork for deeper exploration in subsequent sessions, guiding you toward becoming a proficient React Native developer.

Metadata for Lecture: Introduction to React Native Development

  • Lecture Title: Introduction to React Native Development
  • Description: This lecture introduces React Native, a framework for building cross-platform mobile applications using JavaScript and React. It covers the core concepts, the ecosystem, benefits, and best practices for setting up a React Native development environment. Attendees will learn to create a simple “Hello World” application and understand the fundamental principles of UI rendering and component-based design. The session also includes hands-on exercises and interview preparation.
  • Keywords: React Native, Cross-Platform Development, JavaScript, Mobile App Development, Expo CLI, React Native CLI, UI Rendering, Component-Based Design, State Management, JavaScript ES6+, Hot Reloading, Redux, React Navigation, Axios, Virtual DOM, Git, Code Organization, LeetCode, HackerRank, Technical Interview Preparation.
  • Target Audience: Beginner developers, JavaScript developers transitioning to mobile development, front-end developers interested in cross-platform development, developers preparing for technical interviews.
  • Learning Objectives:
    • Understand the basics of React Native and its ecosystem.
    • Learn to set up a development environment using Expo CLI and React Native CLI.
    • Create a basic React Native application (“Hello World”).
    • Apply best practices for project setup and code organization.
    • Solve beginner-level problems using JavaScript and React concepts.
    • Prepare for common interview questions related to React Native.
  • Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of JavaScript and React; familiarity with the command line.
  • Duration: 90 minutes
  • Resources Provided: Slide deck, setup instructions (PDF), sample code repository, links to additional reading materials.
  • Author: Sunil Sharma | Edulane
  • Date: 25th August 2024

This metadata can help participants understand what to expect from the lecture and provide a structured overview for those interested in learning React Native.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction to React Native
  2. Workshop Structure and Goals
  3. Setup: Installing React Native
  4. Creating a Simple “Hello World” Application
  5. Best Practices for Initial Setup and Code Organization
  6. LeetCode/HackerRank: Beginner Problems Related to React Concepts
  7. DSA Focus: UI Rendering and Component-Based Design
  8. Interview Planning: Discussing React Native Basics

1. Introduction to React Native

React Native is a popular open-source framework developed by Facebook for building mobile applications using JavaScript and React. It allows developers to create fully functioning mobile apps for iOS and Android platforms with a single codebase. Unlike traditional mobile app development, which requires writing separate code for iOS (Swift/Objective-C) and Android (Java/Kotlin), React Native enables the development of cross-platform applications that feel and perform like native apps.

Key Features of React Native

  1. Cross-Platform Development: React Native’s most significant advantage is its ability to write one codebase that works for both iOS and Android. This reduces development time and cost, allowing for faster iterations and updates.
  2. Native Performance: React Native components are not WebViews but actual native components, which means applications built with React Native have performance comparable to native apps. React Native leverages a bridge between JavaScript and native code, enabling seamless integration with native functionalities.
  3. Hot Reloading: One of the standout features of React Native is Hot Reloading, which allows developers to instantly see the results of the latest changes without recompiling the entire app. This dramatically speeds up the development process and enhances productivity.
  4. Rich Ecosystem and Community: Being built on top of React, React Native benefits from a massive ecosystem of libraries and tools. The community is large and active, contributing to a wealth of third-party plugins and components, making it easier to find solutions to common problems.
  5. Single Codebase, Multiple Platforms: With React Native, you write a single JavaScript codebase that can be deployed across multiple platforms. This drastically reduces the resources needed for maintaining separate codebases for each platform.
  6. Access to Native Modules: React Native allows developers to write some components in native code if necessary. This means that developers can leverage specific platform features, such as camera or GPS, or improve performance in areas where JavaScript may be limiting.

How React Native Works

React Native uses a bridge mechanism to communicate between JavaScript and the native platform. This bridge is what allows React Native to achieve near-native performance. Here’s how it works:

  • JavaScript Thread: This is where your React code runs. It handles the business logic and the layout of the UI.
  • Native Thread: This is where the native rendering happens. The bridge communicates with this thread to render components on the screen.
  • Bridge: The bridge is a key part of React Native that allows the JavaScript code to interact with the native code. It uses a batch messaging system to pass commands and data between the JavaScript and native sides.

Benefits of Using React Native

  1. Faster Development: With React Native, developers can write and maintain a single codebase that works on multiple platforms, reducing the development time significantly. The use of familiar JavaScript and React makes it easier for web developers to transition into mobile development.
  2. Reduced Development Costs: The efficiency of a single codebase means fewer resources are needed for development and maintenance. This can result in significant cost savings for companies that need apps on multiple platforms.
  3. Reusable Components: React Native provides reusable components, which speeds up the development process. These components are written once and can be used across different parts of the application, ensuring consistency and reducing bugs.
  4. Ease of Maintenance: Maintaining and updating a single codebase is far simpler and more cost-effective than managing multiple native codebases. With React Native, updates and bug fixes can be applied across all platforms simultaneously.
  5. Rich UI Components: React Native comes with a collection of essential UI components that can be used to build a wide variety of applications. The components are highly customizable and provide a native feel to the apps.
  6. Strong Community Support: Since its release, React Native has grown into a mature framework with robust community support. There are many libraries, tutorials, and forums where developers can find help and share their experiences.

Why Learn React Native?

  • High Demand in the Job Market: Many companies, including Facebook, Instagram, Airbnb, and Uber Eats, use React Native for their mobile apps. This high demand translates into plenty of job opportunities for React Native developers.
  • Versatility and Flexibility: React Native’s ability to work across different platforms makes it a versatile tool in a developer’s skillset. Learning React Native provides developers with the flexibility to build apps for various operating systems from a single codebase.
  • Future-Proof Skills: With the growing popularity of React Native, mastering this framework equips developers with skills that are relevant and in demand in today’s tech industry.


React Native is a powerful and efficient framework for mobile app development, offering numerous advantages such as faster development, lower costs, and high performance. By learning React Native, developers can tap into the growing demand for cross-platform mobile development and position themselves for success in the evolving tech landscape.

The subsequent sessions in this workshop will build on this foundational knowledge, guiding you through the setup process, basic and advanced concepts, and practical applications of React Native. By the end of this series, you’ll be well-equipped to create robust, cross-platform mobile applications and tackle related interview questions confidently.

2. Workshop Structure and Goals

Session 1: Workshop Structure and Goals

In Session 1 of the React Native Development Workshop, we lay the foundation for your journey into building cross-platform mobile applications. This session is designed to introduce you to the basics of React Native, familiarize you with the development environment setup, and establish the goals and expectations for the entire workshop series.

Goals for Session 1

  1. Understand the Basics of React Native:
    • Learn what React Native is, how it works, and why it’s a powerful tool for mobile app development.
    • Discuss the unique features of React Native that allow for cross-platform development using JavaScript and React.
  2. Introduction to the React Native Ecosystem:
    • Explore the various tools, libraries, and frameworks that make up the React Native ecosystem, such as Expo CLI and React Native CLI, Redux for state management, and React Navigation for handling navigation in mobile apps.
    • Understand how these tools work together to streamline development and improve productivity.
  3. Learn the Benefits of Using React Native:
    • Examine the key advantages of using React Native over traditional mobile development frameworks, including faster development cycles, a single codebase for multiple platforms, and the support of a large community.
  4. Set Up Your Development Environment:
    • Guide you step-by-step through setting up your development environment using both Expo CLI and React Native CLI.
    • Ensure all participants have a functioning setup to begin hands-on coding and application development.
  5. Create Your First React Native Application:
    • Build a simple “Hello World” application to familiarize yourself with the basic structure and components of a React Native app.
    • Understand how to navigate the React Native project structure and utilize core components effectively.
  6. Learn Best Practices for Initial Setup and Code Organization:
    • Introduce best practices for organizing your code and setting up your project to ensure maintainability and scalability as your application grows.
    • Cover tools like Git for version control and how to use configuration files to maintain consistent coding standards.
  7. Prepare for Future Sessions:
    • Outline the overall structure of the workshop series, including topics to be covered in future sessions, and set expectations for learning outcomes.
    • Discuss how each session builds on the last, ensuring a coherent and cumulative learning experience.

Workshop Plan for Session 1

  1. Introduction and Overview (10 minutes):
    • Brief introduction to the workshop and its objectives.
    • Overview of the React Native framework and its benefits.
    • Explanation of the React Native ecosystem and the tools we’ll use.
  2. Setting Up the Development Environment (30 minutes):
    • Step-by-step setup using Expo CLI:
      • Install Node.js and npm.
      • Install Expo CLI using the command npm install -g expo-cli.
      • Create a new Expo project using expo init MyFirstApp and select a template.
      • Start the project with cd MyFirstApp and expo start.
      • Open the Expo Go app on your mobile device or use an emulator to run your project.
    • Step-by-step setup using React Native CLI:
      • Install Node.js, npm, and JDK.
      • Install React Native CLI using the command npm install -g react-native-cli.
      • Create a new project with npx react-native init MyFirstApp.
      • Navigate to the project directory using cd MyFirstApp.
      • Run the project with npx react-native run-android or npx react-native run-ios based on your platform.
  3. Hands-On: Creating a “Hello World” Application (20 minutes):
    • Walk through building a simple “Hello World” application using both Expo and React Native CLI.
    • Explore the basic components of a React Native app (View, Text, Button) and understand their usage.
    • Discuss the differences between using Expo and React Native CLI for this task.
  4. Best Practices for Initial Setup and Code Organization (10 minutes):
    • Introduce best practices for project structure, such as organizing files into components, screens, and utilities.
    • Discuss the importance of using tools like .editorconfig and .prettierrc for maintaining coding standards and consistency across teams.
    • Explain how to use Git for version control and the importance of committing regularly.
  5. LeetCode/HackerRank Exercises (15 minutes):
    • Solve beginner-level JavaScript problems that are relevant to React Native, focusing on understanding ES6+ syntax, handling state, and working with components.
    • Provide links to recommended exercises on LeetCode and HackerRank.
  6. Review Principles of UI Rendering and Component-Based Design (10 minutes):
    • Introduce the concepts of the virtual DOM and how React Native leverages this for efficient UI rendering.
    • Discuss the importance of component-based design for creating modular and reusable code.
  7. Interview Preparation: Discussing the Basics of React Native (5 minutes):
    • Briefly cover common interview questions regarding React Native basics, its benefits, and its place in the development ecosystem.
    • Provide tips on how to effectively communicate your understanding of React Native in an interview setting.
  8. Q&A and Wrap-Up (5 minutes):
    • Open the floor for any questions or clarifications about the content covered in this session.
    • Recap key points and provide an overview of what to expect in the next session.

By the end of Session 1, you will have a solid understanding of React Native basics, be able to set up your development environment using both Expo CLI and React Native CLI, and have created your first simple React Native application. This foundational knowledge will be crucial as we progress through the workshop, building more complex applications and mastering advanced React Native concepts.

3. Detailed Setup Guide for React Native: Expo CLI and React Native CLI

Setting up React Native involves creating a development environment that enables you to build mobile applications for both iOS and Android platforms. Below, you’ll find detailed, step-by-step instructions for setting up React Native using both Expo CLI and React Native CLI. Each step includes explanations and examples to ensure you can follow along easily.

Setting Up React Native Using Expo CLI

Expo CLI is a tool that streamlines the React Native development process by providing a managed workflow with easy setup and deployment. It is ideal for beginners who want to get started quickly without dealing with native code complexities

Step-by-Step Expo CLI Setup

1.1 Install Node.js and npm

Node.js is a JavaScript runtime that includes npm (Node Package Manager), essential for managing project dependencies.

  • Download and Install:
    • Visit the official Node.js website.
    • Choose the LTS (Long Term Support) version for stability.
    • Follow the installation instructions for your operating system.


  • On Windows, run the installer and follow the setup wizard.
  • On macOS, open the downloaded .pkg file and follow the instructions.
  • Verify Installation:
    • Open your terminal (Command Prompt on Windows, Terminal on macOS/Linux).
    • Run the following commands to check the installed versions:
node -v
npm -v
  • You should see version numbers indicating that Node.js and npm are installed correctly.

1.2 Install Expo CLI

Expo CLI simplifies the setup process for React Native projects.

  • Install Expo CLI Globally:
    • Open your terminal.
    • Run the following command:
npm install -g expo-cli
  • This installs Expo CLI globally, making the expo command available from any directory.

  • Verify Installation:
    • Run the following command to check the installed version of Expo CLI:
    expo --version
    • This command will open a new tab in your browser with the Expo Developer Tools. You can run the app on a physical device using the Expo Go app (available on iOS and Android) or in an emulator/simulator.

    Using React Native CLI

    React Native CLI provides more control and flexibility, making it suitable for developers who want to customize their apps with native code.

    Step-by-Step Setup for React Native CLI:

    1. Install Node.js and Watchman:
      • Install the latest LTS version of Node.js from the official website.
      • Install Watchman (used by React Native to watch changes in the project) using Homebrew (for macOS users):
    brew install watchman
    1. Install React Native CLI:
      • You can use npx to create a new React Native project without globally installing the CLI:
    npx react-native init HelloWorldCLI

    Set Up Android Studio or Xcode:

    • For Android:
      • Download and install Android Studio.
      • Install the required Android SDKs and set up an Android Virtual Device (AVD).
    • For iOS:
      • Install Xcode from the Mac App Store.
      • Open Xcode and install the necessary components.

    Run the React Native Project:

    • Navigate into your project directory:
    cd HelloWorldCLI
    • Start the application on Android or iOS:
    npx react-native run-android   # for Android
    npx react-native run-ios       # for iOS

    4. Creating a Simple “Hello World” Application

    After setting up your environment with either Expo CLI or React Native CLI, you can create a simple “Hello World” application.

    Project Example with Expo CLI

    1. Open the App.js file in your Expo project directory.
    2. Replace the content of App.js with the following code:
    import React from 'react';
    import { Text, View, StyleSheet } from 'react-native';
    export default function App() {
      return (
        <View style={styles.container}>
          <Text style={styles.text}>Hello, World!</Text>
    const styles = StyleSheet.create({
      container: {
        flex: 1,
        justifyContent: 'center',
        alignItems: 'center',
        backgroundColor: '#F5FCFF',
      text: {
        fontSize: 20,
        textAlign: 'center',
        margin: 10,
    1. Run the Application:
      • In the terminal, ensure you are in the project directory and run:
    expo start
    • Follow the instructions on the Expo Developer Tools webpage to open the app on your device or emulator.

    Project Example with React Native CLI

    1. Navigate to the App.js file in your React Native CLI project directory.
    2. Replace the content of App.js with the following code:
    import React from 'react';
    import { Text, View, StyleSheet } from 'react-native';
    const App = () => {
      return (
        <View style={styles.container}>
          <Text style={styles.text}>Hello, World!</Text>
    const styles = StyleSheet.create({
      container: {
        flex: 1,
        justifyContent: 'center',
        alignItems: 'center',
        backgroundColor: '#F5FCFF',
      text: {
        fontSize: 20,
        textAlign: 'center',
        margin: 10,
    export default App;

    Run the Application:

    • In the terminal, navigate to your project directory and run:
    npx react-native run-android   # for Android
    npx react-native run-ios       # for iOS

    Best Practices for Initial Setup and Code Organization

    • Project Structure:
      • Organize your project files into directories like components, screens, assets, hooks, and navigation for better code management and scalability.
      • Example structure:
    ├── assets/
    ├── components/
    ├── hooks/
    ├── screens/
    ├── navigation/
    ├── App.js
    ├── package.json
    └── ...
    • Version Control and Consistency:
      • Initialize a Git repository in your project to keep track of changes:
    git init
    git add .
    git commit -m "Initial commit"
    • Use .editorconfig and .prettierrc files to enforce consistent coding styles.
      • Example .prettierrc configuration:
      "singleQuote": true,
      "trailingComma": "all"

    6. LeetCode/HackerRank: Beginner Problems Related to React Concepts

    • Practice JavaScript fundamentals relevant to React, such as ES6+ syntax (arrow functions, const/let), array methods (map, filter), and object destructuring.
    • Create a simple component-based exercise using hooks like useState to manage the state within functional components.

    7. DSA Focus: UI Rendering and Component-Based Design

    • Virtual DOM: Learn how React Native uses a virtual DOM to efficiently update the user interface without directly manipulating the actual DOM.
    • Component-Based Design: Understand the modular approach React Native takes by allowing developers to create reusable components that manage their state and rendering.

    8. Interview Planning: Discussing React Native Basics

    • Common Interview Questions:
      • What is React Native, and how does it compare to native development?
      • What are the key advantages of using React Native for mobile app development?
      • How does React Native handle cross-platform development?

    By the end of this session, you will have a fully functional development environment set up, a basic understanding of React Native components, and a “Hello World” application running on your device. You will also have a foundational understanding of React Native principles, which will be further explored in future sessions.